Award Winning Laboratory Center.
A DEXA scan, also known as a BMD scan (Bone Mineral Density scan), is a valuable tool for assessing the strength and mineral density of your bones. It plays a crucial role in diagnosing and monitoring osteoporosis. Postmenopausal women over 45 and men over 50 are particularly susceptible to osteoporosis, increasing their risk of fractures from minor trauma. Factors such as deficiencies in Vitamin D, Calcium, and Phosphorus, as well as limited exposure to sunlight, can contribute to the development of osteoporosis.
The DEXA scanning procedure is devoid of discomfort and usually spans around 15 minutes. Adequate preparation for the scan is essential, which entails abstaining from specific activities that may impede the accuracy of the results. For instance, it is advise to refrain from undergoing a barium enema or any other Form of contrast study within two weeks before the scan. Moreover, The Intake of calcium supplements or antacids should be avoided for at least 24 hours before the test. If you have a scan scheduled, it is imperative to meticulously adhere to your doctor's instructions to ensure precise interpretation of the results.
- Wear a loose and comfortable dress.
- If you have any metal implants in your body, please inform your doctor.
- Eat light food before the scan.
- If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, tell your doctor before you have a CT scan.